Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Help my blog redirect to other blog by itself!!

I love blogging so much I didn't know that my blog has direct to other blog until I visit it. It is very sad, I don't know how it happen, can you advice what to do about it?

Check my blog Sherry Contest, I just post up a contest that I have taken part and it just direct to other blog.

The contest gave everyone chance to win $1000 cash!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Top Commentator contest

Do you commenting in blog? Next month is an important month for woman,do you know what it is? If yes check out the blog TH's corner for detail of this giveaway. There will be only one winner for the Prize.

Now's your chance to win something for your girl friend, mom, or your wife! Or gift for a friend?!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

See Resident Evil:REtribution in IMAX 3D definitely worth it!

I am so happy to share the giveaway with you fellow readers. There's only once chance to win one pass to see REsident Evil: Retribution in IMAX 3D. Of course you need to purchase another ticket at counter if you are going to watch it with friend. I saw the movie alone yesterday so only one pass left!

For more detail click the link above!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Not one but two giveaways!

Having two giveaways this month for my lovely followers, click picture to take part yeah!

I am still tired, second day taking the Brands hope I am stress free soon. My dear asked me to take a week and see result.

I love making cell phone charm so above picture you see two cell phone charms becaue I want it to be like best friend forever cell phone charm! One for yourself another for your best friend.

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